This client is the first one I have had who has consistently included distance Reiki sessions and meditation alongside her chemo and other treatments. Her mindset has also played a big part in her journey.
Halfway through 2021 I was contacted by a friend, who had moved to the UK many years ago. A single Mum going through a difficult divorce, she had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was facing a rather daunting journey. Alongside the conventional medical treatments she wanted to incorporate regular distant Reiki sessions. Fast forward to July 2022 and she is halfway through her fourth or fifth package with me. She buys 4 sessions at a time. She has been to hell and back, experiencing the most excruciating pain and spending endless weeks in hospital. At times we have both felt such despair and there were occasions when I wondered if she was going to get through this. This week I received the following message from her:
“Hello Di. Guess what? I just had a consultation with a specialist who deals in fractures etc for myeloma. I had a CT scan last week. He’s blown away by the fact that I’ve actually regrown the bone in my right femur. Unheard of apparently! This is the side I was told I needed a hip replacement… so it’s a bit of a miracle! I’m so pleased. He’s a bit baffled by my healing in general and said whatever I’m doing, keep doing it! The left side fracture hasn’t healed though, but my body is growing extra bone around it to strengthen it so it’s not all doom and gloom. He says it might not heal, but he wants another CT scan in 3 months. So, I’ve decided this is my focus in my meditations and healing. I’m certain the extra work I’m doing is what’s helping things move along. My consultant is raving about how amazing I am.. I’m so pleased. It feels like such a breakthrough. I just wanted to share, because I know you have had a big part in my journey.”
To say I was over the moon at her feedback is putting it mildly! This client is the first one I have had who has consistently included distance Reiki sessions and meditation alongside her chemo and other treatments. Her mindset has also played a big part in her journey. The moment she received the diagnosis she reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to provide the Reiki sessions alongside the rather brutal medical treatment she was going to be facing. Our journey together continues.
Our bodies have their own innate consciousness. They are also always trying to communicate with us, the problem is we’ve become really good at ignoring them!
I have another friend who, almost 20 years ago, was diagnosed with breast cancer. A firm believe in alternative therapies, she went to one who had a specific “diagnostic” machine and was categorically told “There is absolutely no cancer in your body”. She was wrong. Finally, after much begging from her husband she agreed to see her doctor and the diagnosis came back – breast cancer. I asked her if she knew that something was wrong in her body. She admitted that she did, but preferred to listen to what the healer told her, that there was no cancer in her body. Once she had received the diagnosis and the recommended course of treatment she immediately changed her diet and incorporated juicing and a strict health regime to ensure her body was physically prepared for what was to come. She had the necessary treatment and to this day is cancer-free.
Our bodies have their own innate consciousness. They are also always trying to communicate with us, the problem is we’ve become really good at ignoring them! The moment we start experiencing niggly health issues we rush off to a doctor or the pharmacy for something that will bring immediate relief (but generally doesn’t). We ignore that inner nudging that’s telling us to get something checked out.
We develop illnesses for a variety of reasons. Louise Hay is an excellent resource for looking at the underlying emotional causes of disease. There is more than enough research, as well as personal experiences, to show that we have the power to heal ourselves. Over the next few weeks I will be taking a deeper look at illness, how and why it can show up in our lives and how we can reconnect to our own inner power and take responsibility for our health, healing and well-being. If you would like to know more about Reiki sessions – hands on and distant – and how it can support the body on its healing journey, drop me an email at and let’s chat.